Upcoming Virginia Water Environment Association (VWEA) Conference (2.28-3.1)
Reminder – Wood Equipment Company is attending the upcoming Virginia Water Environment Association (VWEA) conference at the Omni in Charlottesville, Virginia from February 28th-March 1st. Please stop by and visit us at Booth #2! Visit the VWEA website for more information.
Wood Equipment Company represents many of the major players in the Industrial Waste and Pre-treatment pumping areas. For example, Netzsch NEMO® progressing cavity, TORNADO® rotary lobe, and NOTOS® twin screw pumps are used to move WAS/RAS in treatment operations, as well as spent grain and other products at breweries.
See a Netzsch brewery case study here.
Netzsch applications in Virginia can be seen in images below.
#Netzsch #Netzschusa #NetzschNEMO #NetzschNOTOS #NetzschT2 #woodequip #VWEA